The author says of his experience writing the book,
“Given pride’s pervasive presence in my life, I come to this book in holy fear, yet inspired by God’s promises to be humble and sobered by his warnings to the proud (Isaiah 66:2b, 1 Peter 5:5b). Scripture reveals to us that, while pride was the first and most serious sin, God is decisively drawn to humility and is specifically supportive of the humble. Only Christ has fully obeyed Isaiah 66:2b (“This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word”), yet He did so as our representative! How marvelous that in our daily battle against pride we can rely on God’s grace, through the gospel, and thus bring honor and glory to God.” —C. J. Mahaney
In a the first part of the book, Mahaney looks at the sin of pride. In the next section, humility is defined and the final part of the book gives practical application on how to cultivate humility in one's life. This small is filled with such practical, useful information and inspiration, you may find that you want to keep it handy to make reference to frequently.
I found Humility: True Greatness
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